
  1. The name of the Association shall be the ‘British Association for Human Identification (abbreviated to BAHID).
  2. The primary objective of the Association is to provide a forum for the discussion and promotion of subjects of a common interest to members (national and international) of all professions that operate within the domain of human identification. Where agreed by the Council it encourages the development of standards that enhance the professional standing of any single or multiple interest groups within the Association.
  3. Membership of the Association is open to all who can demonstrate a bona fide professional interest in the subject of human identification. The Council retains the right to refuse membership if such interest cannot be legitimised in professional terms.
  4. Applications for membership are administered by the Membership Secretary of the Association. Membership operates on 2 fee levels – full member and student member. To qualify for student membership, applicants must demonstrate current registration on a relevant higher education course.
  5. At least one scientific meeting will be held each year in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and additional meetings may be held as and when considered desirable or appropriate by the Council.
  6. The Honorary Officers of the Society are full Council members and shall be – President, Secretary and Treasurer duly elected by fellow Council members.
  7. The tenure for office of President shall be for not more than two consecutive years, unless the Council and the Association in a general meeting request otherwise. The post of Secretary should be held for a minimum of two consecutive years with no barrier for re-election. The post of treasurer should be held for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 consecutive years and re-election to the post may occur after a 2-year lapse from date of retirement. The Council maintains the right to remove an Officer from post by a majority vote of Council where it is deemed to be in the best interests of the Association. The Council may then place an interim Officer in post until the next AGM.
  8. The affairs of the Association will be managed by a Council consisting of the Honorary Officers and at least 11, but no more than 20 Council members. Eight members shall form a quorum which must include 2 Officers. Membership to the Council, with the exception of the Officers, will normally be for a period of not less than three, and not more than 5 years. Election to Council will be made only from full members of the Association – with the exception of the student Council member. Vacancies on Council must be notified to the membership with a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the date of the AGM. Proposed and seconded nominations must be submitted to the Secretary no later than 4 full weeks before the date of the AGM. Voting will be by ballot and must be completed within two full weeks prior to the AGM. Existing Council may elect new Council members if no nominations have been received. Reasonable attempts will be made to ensure that all disciplines within the Association are represented on Council.
  9. The Council may approve the appointment of sub-committees with power to co-opt. Unless power to act is given by the Council, the decisions of the sub-committees shall require the sanction of the Council.
  10. At each AGM there will be a report of proceedings, a statement of accounts (duly audited) and the election of Officers and members of the Council. The AGM will coincide with the annual scientific meeting.
  11. Each member of the Association who is present at the AGM shall have one vote pertaining to matters arising at the AGM.
  12. A special general meeting can be convened following written requests to the secretary by not less than 25 members of the Association. The Secretary shall convene that meeting with no less than 7 days notice. No other business shall be considered at that meeting.
  13. The annual subscription of each member of the Association shall be as agreed by the Council. Payment is due on confirmation of acceptance of membership and on each succeeding 1st January. 
  14. Any member whose subscription is one year in arrears may be terminated automatically but any such member may be re-instated by the Council on such terms as the Council may deem fit. The Council retains the right to refuse re-instatement.
  15. Expulsion of any member of the Association shall be at the discretion of the Council with right of appeal at the next Council meeting at which a 2/3 majority by ballot of Council shall be required for re-instatement.
  16. At any special general meeting or AGM it is forbidden for members to in any way record or publicly report the proceedings without prior permission from the Council. At the scientific meetings, it is not permitted for presentations to be recorded or published without prior permission from the author(s).
  17. Membership of the Association may not be used as a professional qualification, nor may a member make any such inference.
  18. No rule shall be made, altered or rescinded except by the Association in the AGM. Proposals for amendments to the rules must be notified in writing (by at least 2 members) to the Secretary at least 6 weeks before the AGM. Notification of any such proposal will be given in the notice convening the meeting.
  19. The Association shall not be dissolved except at a special general meeting called for that purpose. The motion for the dissolution must be agreed by at least two thirds of the members present and by at least half of the total membership.
  20. In the event of dissolution, the funds and other properties of the Association, after payment of all proper debts and liabilities, shall not be distributed among the members of the Association, but shall be given or transferred to a charitable institution appointed by majority vote of those present at the special general meeting.
  21. Council members serve a term of office no longer than 5 years without re-election unless they are absent from more than two consecutive meetings when they can be removed from Council by the majority vote of those Council members present at the next meeting.