BAHID Membership

BAHID Membership

Membership of the Association costs just £42.00 for a full membership or £21.00 for a student membership (per annum) and is renewable on the 1st January in any year. Applications for student membership must be accompanied by details of your course and matriculation number - please email a copy of your student/matriculation card to the membership secretary

To apply you need to fill out the online application form. After submission you will be taken to a page where you can pay through PayPal. Please be aware that you need to pay the appropriate membership fee for your application to be processed. Without payment, the application will be incomplete.

Your application will be processed by the membership secretary. They will check your eligibility, completeness of details, and payment. Please allow 2 weeks for this.

Once your application has been approved you will receive an email that provides you with access to the website. If for some reason your application is not approved your PayPal payment will be refunded.

To apply for membership, please go to: Apply for membership

To renew for the current year: Pay Membership

For further info contact: Membership Secretary